May 28, 2011

What do I say???

Okay, so I have been asked a question about what to say in your letter/email/phone call to a legislator.  A really good way to find out is to sign up for newsletters from websites like,,, and  These will give you updated information on what's happening in D.C.  Also, in a previous post, I talked about and how you can find specific problems for your state there.  To visit that post, click here.  Also, you can just simply ask your legislator to vote against abortion.  They will know what that means.  Also, a website that has really helped me in knowing what bills are out there right now is this: click here.  It holds current life related legislation and a summary of each bill so you know what you are talking about.  I hope this helps!  If you have any questions at all, please email us at

In Christ,


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